Right Chasse, Back Rock, Left Chasse, Back Rock. |
1 & 2 |
Step right to right side, close left beside right, Step right to right side. |
3 - 4 |
Rock back on left, recover forward onto right. |
5 & 6 |
Step left to left side, close right beside left, step left to left side. |
7 - 8 |
Rock back on right, recover forward onto left. |
Shuffles Forward, Forward Step, Pivot 1/2 Turn, Stomps x2. |
1 & 2 |
Step right forward, close left behind right, step right forward. |
3 & 4 |
Step left forward, close right behind left, step left forward. |
5 - 6 |
Step right forward, pivot 1/2 turn left (weight ends on left). |
7 - 8 |
Stomp right in place, stomp left in place. |